All complimentary downloads on the Payuoc website are exclusively for personal, non-commercial, and educational use. Visitors are not permitted to redistribute, sell, or use any of the printables from for profit or commercial purposes.
All downloads adhere to the following license agreement and terms of use:
Payuoc Personal Use License Agreement & Terms of Use
The following License Terms (“The Agreement”) outline the rights and restrictions regarding the use of any digital content (“Items”) provided by Payuoc. Please read through The Agreement before downloading or using any Items.
By downloading or using an Item, you agree to comply with the following license terms and conditions. The owners of the Payuoc website reserve the right to amend these licensing terms of use at any time.
- Permitted Use
- You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Items for personal purposes only.
- Personal use includes downloading, printing, and coloring the Items for your own enjoyment, educational purposes, or sharing completed works (not original files) with friends or family.
- Restrictions
- You may not modify, reproduce, redistribute, sell, or transfer the Items in any form, whether for free or for a fee.
- You may not use the Items for commercial purposes, including but not limited to crafting products for sale, logo creation, or other commercial ventures.
- You may not claim ownership of, copyright to, or trademark the Items or any derivative works based on the Items.
- Disclaimer
- All Items are provided “as is” without any warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.
- does not guarantee that the Items will meet your requirements or intended use. You assume full responsibility for the quality, performance, and usage of the Items.
If you have any questions regarding this licensing agreement, please contact us.